Thursday, September 18, 2014

Labor story: Adin Jaime Wong

Adin came so unexpectedly into this world.

I went in for my OB appointment on Tuesday, aug 26. It was like any ordinary OB checkup. I had just finished a chiropractor session and felt really relaxed. They took my blood pressure when I sat in the office and after chatting for 30 min with the doctor, she laid me down to check the baby and checked my blood pressure again since it was apparently high the first time. First time was 166/90 and the second time was 175/90. The doctor sent me to the hospital to get it monitored, but really, neither of us were worried since my blood pressure is sometimes high and always come back down. I was bummed that I had to spend another few hours in the hospital again (I was there for two hours two weeks ago because I didnt feel Adin move one day). 

So I get to the hospital and the first thing that came to my mind was food. I knew I was going to be there for a while so I heard downstairs to the cafe first. Walking around the cafeteria, trying to figure out what to eat, I begin having a rush of pain towards my stomach. I brushed it off like it was nothing, but then it began getting hard to stand. I knew something was up, so I panicked and started making my way to labor and delivery. It became hard to walk, my knees felt weak. I looked in front and back of me in the hallway and there was no one there and I panicked even more. I slowly made it around the corner and saw someone. I asked if they can help me to the elevator. I held onto his arm and he knew right away I couldn't walk, so he got me a wheelchair. They wheeled me into labor and delivery, I couldn't talk, couldn't open my eyes and had a sudden urge to throw up, and I did as soon as I got into the room. Things didnt begin to feel better until 10 min after laying down. I guess my blood pressure was about 190/70 when I got there and the pain in my stomach was from my liver. Oh gosh what a scary experience! They did. Some blood and urine work on me and it looked like protein was leaking out of my urine. I was diagnosed with pre eclampsia. 

The doctor wanted to buy Adin some time but keeping me at the hospital for 2 days and injecting me (and you) some steroids so Adin's lungs and brains would develop a bit more before delivering him. 

2 days past by, lots of meds and lots of shots, and the doctor said my condition surprisingly seemed to stabilize. They usually it just gets worse but in my case, it got better. The doctor wanted me to stay in the hospital until Adin was 34 weeks, which meant I had to stay on the hospital for 3.5 more weeks. I was devastate and so super depressed. I missed Jorah, though Perry did bring him over to visit everyday, he was afraid of the hospital and didnt want to stay. Besides, the space was so small for how active he has become. I hated bed rest, my back hurt from it. I hated the room and has absolutely nothing to do. I hated everything and everytime I thought of being away from Jorah, not being able to put him to bed and hold him made me cry all over again. I really didnt know what I was going to do. Perry was such a huge support during this time. He worked so hard to be there for me and Jorah, running back and forth and dealing with an emotional me. He's really my rock.

A few days past and quite a few people came to visit. Joe and Josh came to visit on Friday the 29th. They bought over dinner and we chatted until 730, when Perry came back from tucking Jorah to sleep. The nurse had placed the baby monitor thing on my stomach and couldn't get any spikes in her reading, which shows if the baby has any neuron type movements. Baby Adin looked like he was asleep basically. We did all sorts of things to wake him up - ate, drink sweet juices, moved around, even did nipple stimulation. We ended up going back to the labor and delivery section (we were in antepartum) where they had to give me pitocin to try to mimic contractions to see if you'd move. Maybe all that just got me all stressed out because my blood pressure went up and up and up, to the point where I was all drugged up. By that point, the doctor made an order to have me deliver since I wasn't in a controllable state. I really wanted to keep Adin longer inside, but I felt like I was trying to stay alive. All those drugs for me shaking, loopy, and exhausted. The thought of having to go through labor just exhausted me more. I was so emotionally unstable. 

They started by giving me a cervix softener. To my surprise, I was already 50% so it took another 12 hours to completely soften it up. By the end of 12 hours, they started giving me pitocin and I felt contractions, though not bad. Oh and all this while, I was on magnesium. It is this nasty drug that makes me feel like I have a fever, and it's supposed to prevent me from getting a stroke but it made me feel so loopy. Once the contractions were stronger, I got an epidural. It's supposed to help lower my blood pressure. It wasn't in my birth plan to get one but I needed it, with everything else that was going on. They checked me again around 3 and the nurse said my cervix was completely gone. They wheeled me into the special delivery room for premie babies and after just one push, he came out SCREAMING! What a relief!!! They didn't think your lungs would be developed but boy did Adin surprise us!! We were so relieved.

I still had to be on magnesium for the next 24 hours, which literally made me feel crazy and I had to have the urine catheter which I hated, so both kinda drove me nuts. I got discharged 24 hours later and went home but felt so weird and sad that I was going home without a baby. 

I didnt think I could love any baby as much as Jorah, but I fell I love immediately all over again. Your love doesn't divide, if multiplies. I love my boys with everything I have.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Dear Jorah,

Sometimes mommy and daddy are about to lose it!! You are refusing alot of food. You've started refusing breakfast and that's the meal you usually are good at eating too. We thought it was due to your molars coming in but this has been happening for weeks! You don't eat bread, pancake, waffle, eggs, oatmeal, fruits, muffins, anything! Daddy wants to starve you today until lunch but I don't know if I have the heart to, but I understand where he's coming from. You need to learn to eat! Every meal is a battle with you :( Please just eat.
Dear Adin,

You were so good at breastfeeding last night! You drank 10 cc, which is about a third of what you'd normally get from a meal! You latched on really good and just kept sucking. Mommy is so proud of you! Then I held you in my arms while you fell asleep and I placed my cheek against yours. I love smelling you. Do you know it's mommy? See you tonight baby. Mommy loves you.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Dear Jorah,

Sorry mommy hasn't been writing about you. I've been busy with you!! Lets see, you are one crazy, energetic boy. You understand most of what we say and you nod your head yes or no when we ask you questions. You are still napping 30 min, twice a day, no matter how tired you are, it's always 30 min. Mommy thinks you have a clock inside of you that sets off every 30 min. Most of the time it's right on the dot, scary huh? You love saying da da and rarely ever say ma ma, unless you need something from me. You love to dance, wiggle and pump (so cute!!). When I go to pump and tell you  I'm about to pump, you start pumping your arms haha. You love saying "bath" "mail" and "ruff ruff" for the sound that dogs make. You love watching the iPad in the car and will immediately say "pa" over and over again as soon as you're in the car seat. You don't like eating but the things you do love are Mac and cheese, plain rice, soup noodles and corn. You love sleeping with your blanket and will sometimes throw yourself at it (haha so funny). You've just started growing your molars and I think it's making you not want to eat even more :T you sleep at 8 and wake up between 7-730. You love it when mommy sing you songs before putting you to bed. You still put your head on my shoulder and I love it. I know it won't last long so I'll cherish it for as long as I can. Mommy loves you.
Dear Adin,

The last few days, you've been latching on really well and got a couple of good sucks but today your jaundice levels came back up (to 11.2) and you were so sleepy, you didnt breastfeed. Nothing we did woke you up too :( It makes me so sad that it's making you so sleepy. I hope tomorrow you will be better. Mommy loves you.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Dear Adin,

They took off your umbilical cord today!! And stuck an IV :( .. But at least you didn't have to get a PICC which looks painful. They say if you continue feeding well, you won't need the IV for much longer.

Also, your jaundice level came down! It was at a 12 and today it's at a 7. They're going to test you again tomorrow. I hope it continues going down. 

They took off alot of wires today so you're only left with a few. They've also given you a onesie :) 

I held you this afternoon and tried breastfeeding. You mostly nuzzled but you got a couple of good sucks in. You fell asleep on me skin to skin. I wonder if you know it's mommy.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Welcome to the world Adin! Sorry mommy hasn't been on time with updating. So much has been going on and it's hard to find time when you have an active, clingy toddler!!

Lets see. You're 1 week and 2 days old now. Mommy and daddy have been visiting you everyday after we put Jorah to sleep. It's heartbreaking seeing you in the incubator with so many wires attached to you, but we know you're in good hands and we just need to be patient and watch you grow to be healthy. Since you were born, you've been taken off the cpap (a mask that helps you breathe better) and the oxygen tube (which pushes air in, to give you a boost). So as far as learning how to breathe on your own, you've got this!! They've also been increasing yourself intake since you've been digesting it well. Oh and two days ago, you breast fed!! All these nurses were blown away since they were expecting to have to teach you how to suck. You're my little miracle!! I can't wait until you learn how to fully suck. Mommy will come over often to feed you.  You also need to learn how to regulate your temperature and pass the carseat test -- then you get to come home!!! Mommy cannot wait to hug and kiss you all day. Your big brother is in for a surprise. 

Here you are tonight without your oxygen tubes. Feels much better huh? You still have a tube that goes from your nose to your stomach. You had it in your mouth before but they switched it to your nose so you can breast feed better.

I wonder if you still recognize mommy's voice. I hate that you're in there and not with me. I promise I'll make it up to you when you come home. Mommy loves you. 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

I haven't written in so long, mommy is so sorry!!! Lets see, we'll baby #2 is a boy! Omg we're in trouble. Double the fun .. And trouble! Daddy wanted a girl (again) but no can do, fate gave us 2 little boys. I'm excited to meet you baby!

Jorah, you've been growing so fast lately, learning so many things are lightening speed. You point at things you want now, like water or milk or going outside. You've also started growing a huge personality and have started throwing tantrums and fits (fun!). Feeding you is still a battle and we always have to entertain you. You love looking at photo albums, esp yours and you point at everyone when I say their names. When we asked you where Jorah was, you opened up your hands and smiled haha, like "not there, I don't know". SO CUTE! I died of cuteness. And today, you said "gong gong" when Grandpa called me!!!!! Happiest grandpa ever!!! :) :) it seems like you are understanding so much now, growing too fast. Mommy loves you two boys. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

You've been doing so many new things lately! You've learned to say "tick tock" which is what grandpa had taught you as the clock. You know how to say "dong" which is light. You tried to say "birdie" and you get so excited when you see one :) you've started shaking your head when you don't want something. When I ask you for a kiss, you'd grab my ears/hair and pull me in with your mouth opened. Sometimes you'd bite my lips. Its the cutest thing. You've always started calling out my name more, when you need me. I love having a mama's boy ❤

We went to Gymboree open gym today and you were so amazed at bubbles. You kept trying to grab them and look at your hand afterwards and wondered where they went. I pointed out to you the ones that were in the ground, leftover, and you crawled to each one excitedly to catch it. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Eating your favorite for your birthday: waffle!! You had half today - wow!!

Friday, May 16, 2014

You've started to kiss me. You grab into my ear or hair and just open your mouth. It's the cutest thing. I love it.

You fed me for the first time today too. You fed mr cheese, then I fed you. We took turns for quite a while. I was really afraid in the beginning that we'd lose closeness since your grandma and grandpa are here but it looks like I've gained it back.

Everytime before I put you in bed, I'd give you a warning, saying "ok going to put you in". Lately, you've been holding me close as soon as I say it and you'd lay your head sideways on my shoulder. So then id hold you close and sing you another song, then try again and you'd do the same. Super cute. You make my heart smile everyday. Mommy loves you.

I'm excited to find out whether you're having a little brother or sister. It's going to change the dynamics of things but I promise I will love you even more. You will always be my baby. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Weve officially moved out of our house. We are relocating because our old house is too small to fit baby #2 and the school districts weren't good. We found a place by mama and yehyeh's house. It's a nice, big one with excellent schools, the same ones your daddy went to.

Looking at the empty house made me so sad. I kept seeing spots in the house where you'd crawl, where I used to hold you when you were a newborn, where id sing to you while I rocked you, the place where you crawled first, where you'd follow me around, the stairs where you climbed. All those great memories. I'm obviously really emotional about this. But like daddy said, it's time to move on and we'll make bigger and better memories at the new house. 

We've moved into your grandparents house. It hasn't been easy. It's cramped and the dynamics of our little family has changed. I do appreciate the help but I miss when it was just us three. 

Ever since we've moved, you've also stopped breast feeding. You've been rejecting it :( I had plans to stop when you turned one but I wasn't ready :( I think that's part of why I'm so emotional .. And maybe because I'm pregnant too. I don't know, too much going on. I just love you so much. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

We sold our house! And we're moving in with your grandma and grandpa until nov when our new house will be built. Lots of changes in the next half a year, but they will be good changes. I'm sad you won't remember this house, but mommy at least room alot of pics and videos for you to remember. Mommy loves you

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Whoa daddy, look at all those chicks!!

Dear Jorah,

Take a look at your first new pair of shoes!! Aren't they adorable? I can't wait until you start walking. Then mommy can buy you lots of shoes :)

I saw baby #2 twice this week! On Monday, I had my 12 weeks checkup. Baby was swimming all over. I passed my prenatal tests, yay. And in Wednesday, I went in for the ultrasound, the 2nd of 3 tests for Down syndrome. They said baby is super low risk :) I'm happy yours doing well. Can't wait to meet you!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

"Weeee the weekend is here!"

Cutest baby ever? I think so!

You've been behaving alot better lately, more indepdent and less tantrums. You've been eating a little better too. Not sure if its because you understand more now or .. I don't know, but I'm glad you're behaving better. You were a bit high maintanence for a while ;) 

You've learned to wave bye this week. It's so cute. When I read you the book "touch the bunny", you know how to do everything - touch the bunny, read the book, play peek a boo, smell the flowers (you did this one this morning and it got me laughing so hard because you understood!!), and finally wave bye bye.
You're learning so much everyday. Stop growing baby. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Meet your baby sister/brother! Mommy so 9 weeks pregnant! Due around 10/30. Isn't that nuts. We're having another baby soon ...

I think boobie days are over. We've taught you to drink from the Zoli sippy straw cups and you've been doing so well with them, drinking 4oz 3x a day that when I offer the breast, you cry :( ill miss you wanting the boobs and finding comfort in them. Mommy will never be able to breastfeed you again :***(
Poor baby has had a fever for 3 days and now you have roseolla. My heart was breaking for you while you burnt up for so many days. There were days where you simply couldn't nap, probably from all the pressure in your head and all you want all day was hugs and kisses. Mommy felt so powerless. I'm glad your fever is gone now and you feel better, but you have pink spots all over your body! I hope it'll all go away soon. Mommy will do a better job in making sure your hands are clean, esp after you've been touching things. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

You've been drinking milk out of your sippy cup. What a good boy. You've never taken the bottle so I was worried when I weaned you, you wouldn't drink any milk. A big part of me is happy you're drinking milk out of a cup but the other part of me is sad ill be weaning you soon. I'll miss the bond. I'll never be able to nurse you again :( maybe I'm just afraid of letting you grow up.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Went to the doctors to check on your finger today. You've been having this dry finger for the longest time and I thought it was about time to see what the doc has to say about it. She said its probably eczema and to apply 1% hydrocortisone.  The dry patches on your legs also got worse today :( mommy needs to buy the cream tomorrow. My poor baby.

18 pounds 12 oz today (with diaper and shirt :))

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

You fall asleep in the most uncomfortable looking positions. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy 10 months our little man! My dad always told me it was the happiest thing to watch me grow. Now I know what that means. 

You've started to crawl just a few weeks ago, you're crawling all over the place. You love jamming to your music toys and to dad's guitar. I think you have my music genes :) you are still very attached to me, follow me wherever I go, to the point where I have to ergo you just to wash the dishes because you want to be close to me. Whenever you okay by yourself, you like to take breaks and come by for a quick hug :) you throw tantrums occasionally but I think you do it because I let you. You love eating smacks, puffs, breadsticks, bread, RICE! You're so Asian haha. You still sleep well, about 730-7. You started recently dropping your late afternoon nap, which has been tiring for mommy! You love the mothergoose stationing YouTube :) you know how to smile at the camera. You love holding your yellow duck when you take a bath. You hate sitting on the stroller. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Mommy has been sick lately. This pregnancy has been way different than when I was pregnant with you. My nausea is so bad, I had to get medication. The meds don't look too healthy, so I've only used if once, but I am constantly so low energy and have a constant headache. Last week, for a few days, I felt like I had a fever 24/7. Headache, wanting to throw up, nausea, low energy. I've completely lost interest on food and that's just weird cuz your mama can eat! I've always wanted 3 kids but I don't want to go through this again, so you're just going to have one more sibling. I'm sorry :(

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My favorite little man. I love spending everyday with you. 
Ever since you've learned how to stand and sit on your crib, it's taking you forever to go to sleep! You just play around in there!

Monday, March 10, 2014

You learned how to smile for the camera!! Lol so cute. I'll sure miss these days. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

You just went from crawling to sitting down! Gosh you really do entertain yourself now that you can sit, crawl and stand up in your crib. It's night night time baby!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Someone was able to grab the monitor, so Daddy had to mount it on the wall! New view! 

I know everyone thinks their baby is the cutest but I do really think you are the cutest baby ever :) This pic was taken at duck pond. Auntie Sandra was playing with you :) love all your facial expressions 
Look! Someone has 4 teeth and a biiiiig one on top! :)

Monday, March 3, 2014

I found out yesterday that I'm pregnant! I knew something was up when I all of a sudden needed 2 naps and I had a strange preference to food. Looks like you're going to have a little sibling later this year :) Mommy loves you.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

You are so fun to okay with now. I love just laying down in bed or on your playmat with you. You'll just be playing with a toy and we'll look at each other and you'll give me the biggest smile.

We do this weird thing and we've been doing if for a long time, I don't know what you feel when we do it but I feels really strong bond when we do. I place my mouth over your mouth and we hum in unisense. We start and stop at the same time. It's really cute and I will enjoy this for as long as I can!

You're crawling all over the place now! Taking out book while mommy puts them back. You crawl to the kitchen when I'm cooking and you crawl towards the bathroom when I'm in there. You love pulling yourself up now, and though you haven't quite figured it out yet, it's still really cute. You'll use me for balance and straighten our your legs first before straightening your upper body, so it's almost like you're doing a downward facing dog :)

Stop growing so fast. Mommy loves you.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

You're crawling!!!! You started skooting a couple days ago and now you crawl so fast! You crawl all around the living room and into the kitchen now. Where has the time gone??? 

Saturday, February 22, 2014

I feel so much love for you, it feels like my heart is going to burst. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sunday, February 16, 2014

You had no teeth for 8 months and you grew 3 teeth in 3 weeks. Yesterday, you started getting a runny nose and today, it was full blown. Not sure if you're sick or its a symptom due to teething, but I can tell you're not feeling well. I wish there was something I could do to take the discomfort away :( My baby ... 

Friday, February 14, 2014

Made Valentine's Day cards for Daddy (also made some for both grandma and grandpas and bac bac).

Single and loving it? I don't think so. You're taken by mommy ;) 😘

You haven't liked eating lately and fuss a great deal. Here's grandma feeding you while grandpa and daddy try to entertain you. Ayia baby ...

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Gymboree open gym

Went to the Gymboree open gym today ($5 for non members). I think you had fun. It would be more fun if you knew how to crawl/walk. This is your classic "huh?" look with the eyebrows and everything :P

Peekaboo I see you!

Mommy loves you 

Happy 90th birthday to Grandma! You were sooo tired during dinner but you powered through it! 👍 I asked you to give Grandma a kiss and you opened your mouth. She laughed out loud :D

Being lazy with Daddy and Mommy :)
You are mommys sweet boy ❤
I took you to the MLK library today for lapsit story time. It started to sprinkle as soon as I pulled out of the complex, but it took so much to get out if the house that I decided just to go. I packed the ergo and decided to carry you while carrying a backpack and hold an umbrella to cover us both. You did so well and you looooved looking at the umbrella. You wanted to hold it yourself :) the rain isn't going to stop us from having fun!

Friday, February 7, 2014

I love the noises you make in the morning when you wake up. They make my heart smile :)

Friday, January 31, 2014

Bought new sippy cups. You apparently like the hard tip kinds. The ones were using now and hand me downs from Auntie Jennifer and they don't have a cap and they leak. I hope you'll get used to these new ones and *hopefully* drink milk out of it. Mommys tried giving you the bottle a couple days in a row - from daddy, grandma and myself. Still no luck. No more boobies in 4 months. You have to learn baby. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Mommy made porridge for the first time tonight. I made it for you. It'll be your first time eating chicken. I hope you like it! Time to explore new food!
You trying to grab baby Zoe. You love girls!
You're so funny. You've been doing this for a while but when you want to get our attention, you'd lift your legs up high and stomp them, either in your crib or the floor haha. You did this when you were just a few months old in your playard. Your personality is def coming out. You have mommys whining genes and you're def a mommys boy (just what mommy wanted :)).

You've been trying to crawl recently. Trying to grab things in your reach. You can go from sitting to tummy time on your own and once you're on your tummy, you try to get on your knees. I want you to walk soon but I know I'll miss these non mobile days once I'm chasing after you.

Stay little for me please. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014

This is the most mommy has ever pumped from one breast! Wow! 5oz!

4 more months of breastfeeding. I'm going to really miss having that bond with you. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

What's in the freezer this week? Let's see -- avocados (which you hate), bananas (which you hate too), pears, apples, peas, green beans, sweet potatos and prunes (your fav :)). Your fav combos so far are: green peas/peas + pear/apple, sweet potatoes + apple/pear, carrot + mango, prunes with anything. 
Happy 8 months my little man!! 
Sometimes when you're fussy while im rocking you (yes you're so spoiled), I would put my face against yours and you'd stop crying. It melts my heart when  that happens. Mommy loves you very much.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Your new thing now is the head tilt. You love doing it when you're eating. Look at me! I'm cute! Haha. Sometimes you'd imitate if I turn my heads retain direction.

Last night we went to uncle Whislies 18th birthday dinner. You learned to clap for the first time!! How cute :) So proud of you baby!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

I don't rock you anymore, but when you're asleep after nursing, I secretly hold you tight and rock you for a few minutes and kiss you. I know I won't be able to do this for very much longer. It's these precious moments that mean the world to me.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Play date with your friend Isabelle :) last week at our play date, you kept pulling on her shirt and her pants! You have to be gentle baby, esp with girls! 

We were at boba guys in sf and you kept wanting to grab my sunglasses, so I put them on you and you pulled them down and gave me this look haha. "What are you doing mama?"

Monday, January 6, 2014

You've recently started eating 4oz of solids puréed food. For a while, you were just eating 2oz. It's crazy how the little things just change everyday. 

Speaking of new things, you were on yor tummy last night and I saw you scoot forward a little with your leg!! Almost crawling??? :) :)

Mommy loves you.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Is it crazy to be super in love with your child? You're sleeping now and I miss you already. You bring so much joy into my life, words simply cannot express it. I love you so much it feels like my heart is about to explode. I know that doesn't sound good, but it's a overwhelmingly good feeling. I've never loved anyone or anything as much as I love you.