Saturday, June 21, 2014

I haven't written in so long, mommy is so sorry!!! Lets see, we'll baby #2 is a boy! Omg we're in trouble. Double the fun .. And trouble! Daddy wanted a girl (again) but no can do, fate gave us 2 little boys. I'm excited to meet you baby!

Jorah, you've been growing so fast lately, learning so many things are lightening speed. You point at things you want now, like water or milk or going outside. You've also started growing a huge personality and have started throwing tantrums and fits (fun!). Feeding you is still a battle and we always have to entertain you. You love looking at photo albums, esp yours and you point at everyone when I say their names. When we asked you where Jorah was, you opened up your hands and smiled haha, like "not there, I don't know". SO CUTE! I died of cuteness. And today, you said "gong gong" when Grandpa called me!!!!! Happiest grandpa ever!!! :) :) it seems like you are understanding so much now, growing too fast. Mommy loves you two boys. 

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