Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Welcome to the world Adin! Sorry mommy hasn't been on time with updating. So much has been going on and it's hard to find time when you have an active, clingy toddler!!

Lets see. You're 1 week and 2 days old now. Mommy and daddy have been visiting you everyday after we put Jorah to sleep. It's heartbreaking seeing you in the incubator with so many wires attached to you, but we know you're in good hands and we just need to be patient and watch you grow to be healthy. Since you were born, you've been taken off the cpap (a mask that helps you breathe better) and the oxygen tube (which pushes air in, to give you a boost). So as far as learning how to breathe on your own, you've got this!! They've also been increasing yourself intake since you've been digesting it well. Oh and two days ago, you breast fed!! All these nurses were blown away since they were expecting to have to teach you how to suck. You're my little miracle!! I can't wait until you learn how to fully suck. Mommy will come over often to feed you.  You also need to learn how to regulate your temperature and pass the carseat test -- then you get to come home!!! Mommy cannot wait to hug and kiss you all day. Your big brother is in for a surprise. 

Here you are tonight without your oxygen tubes. Feels much better huh? You still have a tube that goes from your nose to your stomach. You had it in your mouth before but they switched it to your nose so you can breast feed better.

I wonder if you still recognize mommy's voice. I hate that you're in there and not with me. I promise I'll make it up to you when you come home. Mommy loves you. 

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