Monday, September 15, 2014

Dear Jorah,

Sorry mommy hasn't been writing about you. I've been busy with you!! Lets see, you are one crazy, energetic boy. You understand most of what we say and you nod your head yes or no when we ask you questions. You are still napping 30 min, twice a day, no matter how tired you are, it's always 30 min. Mommy thinks you have a clock inside of you that sets off every 30 min. Most of the time it's right on the dot, scary huh? You love saying da da and rarely ever say ma ma, unless you need something from me. You love to dance, wiggle and pump (so cute!!). When I go to pump and tell you  I'm about to pump, you start pumping your arms haha. You love saying "bath" "mail" and "ruff ruff" for the sound that dogs make. You love watching the iPad in the car and will immediately say "pa" over and over again as soon as you're in the car seat. You don't like eating but the things you do love are Mac and cheese, plain rice, soup noodles and corn. You love sleeping with your blanket and will sometimes throw yourself at it (haha so funny). You've just started growing your molars and I think it's making you not want to eat even more :T you sleep at 8 and wake up between 7-730. You love it when mommy sing you songs before putting you to bed. You still put your head on my shoulder and I love it. I know it won't last long so I'll cherish it for as long as I can. Mommy loves you.

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