Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy 10 months our little man! My dad always told me it was the happiest thing to watch me grow. Now I know what that means. 

You've started to crawl just a few weeks ago, you're crawling all over the place. You love jamming to your music toys and to dad's guitar. I think you have my music genes :) you are still very attached to me, follow me wherever I go, to the point where I have to ergo you just to wash the dishes because you want to be close to me. Whenever you okay by yourself, you like to take breaks and come by for a quick hug :) you throw tantrums occasionally but I think you do it because I let you. You love eating smacks, puffs, breadsticks, bread, RICE! You're so Asian haha. You still sleep well, about 730-7. You started recently dropping your late afternoon nap, which has been tiring for mommy! You love the mothergoose stationing YouTube :) you know how to smile at the camera. You love holding your yellow duck when you take a bath. You hate sitting on the stroller. 

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