Saturday, March 1, 2014

You are so fun to okay with now. I love just laying down in bed or on your playmat with you. You'll just be playing with a toy and we'll look at each other and you'll give me the biggest smile.

We do this weird thing and we've been doing if for a long time, I don't know what you feel when we do it but I feels really strong bond when we do. I place my mouth over your mouth and we hum in unisense. We start and stop at the same time. It's really cute and I will enjoy this for as long as I can!

You're crawling all over the place now! Taking out book while mommy puts them back. You crawl to the kitchen when I'm cooking and you crawl towards the bathroom when I'm in there. You love pulling yourself up now, and though you haven't quite figured it out yet, it's still really cute. You'll use me for balance and straighten our your legs first before straightening your upper body, so it's almost like you're doing a downward facing dog :)

Stop growing so fast. Mommy loves you.

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