Friday, May 16, 2014

You've started to kiss me. You grab into my ear or hair and just open your mouth. It's the cutest thing. I love it.

You fed me for the first time today too. You fed mr cheese, then I fed you. We took turns for quite a while. I was really afraid in the beginning that we'd lose closeness since your grandma and grandpa are here but it looks like I've gained it back.

Everytime before I put you in bed, I'd give you a warning, saying "ok going to put you in". Lately, you've been holding me close as soon as I say it and you'd lay your head sideways on my shoulder. So then id hold you close and sing you another song, then try again and you'd do the same. Super cute. You make my heart smile everyday. Mommy loves you.

I'm excited to find out whether you're having a little brother or sister. It's going to change the dynamics of things but I promise I will love you even more. You will always be my baby. 

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