Saturday, March 29, 2014

Meet your baby sister/brother! Mommy so 9 weeks pregnant! Due around 10/30. Isn't that nuts. We're having another baby soon ...

I think boobie days are over. We've taught you to drink from the Zoli sippy straw cups and you've been doing so well with them, drinking 4oz 3x a day that when I offer the breast, you cry :( ill miss you wanting the boobs and finding comfort in them. Mommy will never be able to breastfeed you again :***(
Poor baby has had a fever for 3 days and now you have roseolla. My heart was breaking for you while you burnt up for so many days. There were days where you simply couldn't nap, probably from all the pressure in your head and all you want all day was hugs and kisses. Mommy felt so powerless. I'm glad your fever is gone now and you feel better, but you have pink spots all over your body! I hope it'll all go away soon. Mommy will do a better job in making sure your hands are clean, esp after you've been touching things. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

You've been drinking milk out of your sippy cup. What a good boy. You've never taken the bottle so I was worried when I weaned you, you wouldn't drink any milk. A big part of me is happy you're drinking milk out of a cup but the other part of me is sad ill be weaning you soon. I'll miss the bond. I'll never be able to nurse you again :( maybe I'm just afraid of letting you grow up.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Went to the doctors to check on your finger today. You've been having this dry finger for the longest time and I thought it was about time to see what the doc has to say about it. She said its probably eczema and to apply 1% hydrocortisone.  The dry patches on your legs also got worse today :( mommy needs to buy the cream tomorrow. My poor baby.

18 pounds 12 oz today (with diaper and shirt :))

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

You fall asleep in the most uncomfortable looking positions. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Happy 10 months our little man! My dad always told me it was the happiest thing to watch me grow. Now I know what that means. 

You've started to crawl just a few weeks ago, you're crawling all over the place. You love jamming to your music toys and to dad's guitar. I think you have my music genes :) you are still very attached to me, follow me wherever I go, to the point where I have to ergo you just to wash the dishes because you want to be close to me. Whenever you okay by yourself, you like to take breaks and come by for a quick hug :) you throw tantrums occasionally but I think you do it because I let you. You love eating smacks, puffs, breadsticks, bread, RICE! You're so Asian haha. You still sleep well, about 730-7. You started recently dropping your late afternoon nap, which has been tiring for mommy! You love the mothergoose stationing YouTube :) you know how to smile at the camera. You love holding your yellow duck when you take a bath. You hate sitting on the stroller. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Mommy has been sick lately. This pregnancy has been way different than when I was pregnant with you. My nausea is so bad, I had to get medication. The meds don't look too healthy, so I've only used if once, but I am constantly so low energy and have a constant headache. Last week, for a few days, I felt like I had a fever 24/7. Headache, wanting to throw up, nausea, low energy. I've completely lost interest on food and that's just weird cuz your mama can eat! I've always wanted 3 kids but I don't want to go through this again, so you're just going to have one more sibling. I'm sorry :(

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My favorite little man. I love spending everyday with you. 
Ever since you've learned how to stand and sit on your crib, it's taking you forever to go to sleep! You just play around in there!

Monday, March 10, 2014

You learned how to smile for the camera!! Lol so cute. I'll sure miss these days. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

You just went from crawling to sitting down! Gosh you really do entertain yourself now that you can sit, crawl and stand up in your crib. It's night night time baby!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Someone was able to grab the monitor, so Daddy had to mount it on the wall! New view! 

I know everyone thinks their baby is the cutest but I do really think you are the cutest baby ever :) This pic was taken at duck pond. Auntie Sandra was playing with you :) love all your facial expressions 
Look! Someone has 4 teeth and a biiiiig one on top! :)

Monday, March 3, 2014

I found out yesterday that I'm pregnant! I knew something was up when I all of a sudden needed 2 naps and I had a strange preference to food. Looks like you're going to have a little sibling later this year :) Mommy loves you.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

You are so fun to okay with now. I love just laying down in bed or on your playmat with you. You'll just be playing with a toy and we'll look at each other and you'll give me the biggest smile.

We do this weird thing and we've been doing if for a long time, I don't know what you feel when we do it but I feels really strong bond when we do. I place my mouth over your mouth and we hum in unisense. We start and stop at the same time. It's really cute and I will enjoy this for as long as I can!

You're crawling all over the place now! Taking out book while mommy puts them back. You crawl to the kitchen when I'm cooking and you crawl towards the bathroom when I'm in there. You love pulling yourself up now, and though you haven't quite figured it out yet, it's still really cute. You'll use me for balance and straighten our your legs first before straightening your upper body, so it's almost like you're doing a downward facing dog :)

Stop growing so fast. Mommy loves you.