Tuesday, December 31, 2013

We had a play date today with a few mommies I've recently met. You were the youngest there. You did really well, just observed your new surroundings and played with toys. You kept pulling on the girls jackets and you for mad at me for holding you back lol. Should I be worried?? 
Only the cutest baby ever!! 

Friday, December 27, 2013

First day sitting on the stroller facing forward. You were so excited to see everything. Even though you were so tired, you weren't fussy because suddenly there's so much to see. Mommy had a moment watching you sit facing forward. You're growing up too fast *tear* 
I live for these moments :) Waking up with daddy and watching him play games on his phone 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Mommy did a little photoshoot of you today at our house. Look how cute this picture is! Omygoodness. This picture makes me smile everytime. YOU make me smile everytime :) happy first Christmas baby. We love you.

You caught a cold a few days ago. It was your very first cold. You started off coughing then 2 days later, you had the runny nose. You were so congested :( I wish there was something I could do. I'm sure you're not feeling well and don't understand why. Thanks God you're feeling better today. Mommy just wants to hold you and make you feel all better. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

Took you shopping at Valleyfair mall today. You were going through all the shoes mommy picked out. I'm sure you had one in mind huh? :) I used to carry you in an ergo when I took you out but I think you're starting to get too big for it. Not physically big but you seem too interested in the outside world to be confined. You're always looking around and stretching your body to get out. So mommy just carries you .. But you're getting so heavy! 17 pounds 10 ounces! Mommy has arms of steel :D

Thursday, December 19, 2013

(Catch up season - Aug 2013). We went to the Monterey bay aquarium today. Did you like all the fishes? I know you're too young to understand but I'm sure you were amazed at all the colors! We got an annual pass so you'll be seeing these fishes more soon! 

(Catch up session - Aug 2013) Aunt Jess and uncle Joshie came to visit today. We did a little photoshoot hehe. I think you had fun. They love you so much!

We ended up cooking and watched a movie. You let Uncle Joshie hold you for a long time and actually fell asleep!
My sweet angel ❤
You look so grown up in this pic. What is mommy going to do??? I always tell you that. I'm going to be so sad when you get bigger. Can you stay little for me please?

Jorah size Xmas tree :) 
You started sitting up on your own 2 weeks ago. What a big boy! Sometimes you fall back though but you don't cry. I think it just shocks you and you look over at me with his "I've fallen down!" look :) 
Ummmm found you sleeping like this during your nap. You're hilarious!!! 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Poor baby has a fever today -- of over 100! You got your part 2 of flu shot earlier today. This is the second fever you've had, first one was at 2mo. You were burning up :( but you weren't fussy but I knew you didn't feel well. I'm feeding you now and praying your fever goes down.

Ending this post on a positive note - you rolled from your tummy to your back today for the first time and I got it on video! Mommys so proud of you.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

We did the CIO (cry it out) method with you a few  days ago. We've been rocking you for every nap and at night ever since you were born and I think you got used to it. Grandpa and grandma came over last week to take care of you and suggested to let you cry :( you cried for 18 min straight :( it was such a heartbreaking experience .. But it wasn't easy to just pick you up since grandpa and grandma was there (alot of pressure!). You eventually fell asleep and I've been letting you sleep like that for every nap and every night since. You've only cried twice and only for less than 5 min. What a good boy. You're learning so quick! I didn't mind rocking you though. I loved having you so close and having you sleep in my arms. I want to cherish these moments since you won't want to be next to mommy like this when you're older.

Mommy loves you.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I forgot to mention about 2 months ago, I fed you zuchinni and you threw up alot :( alot. I fed you zucchini and then you had a full milk meal and you vomited in bed - projectile vomit. After we picked you up, you threw up a few more times :( it was so heartbreaking to see you throw up everything you had in your little tummy. When you were able to throw up, you whimper a little too. You were telling me - mommy I don't feel good :(

Speaking of not feeling good, you had constipation a few days ago. You didn't poo for a few days so mommy gave you some prunes. The first day, it still hurt you. You were pushing and mommy was trying to help you. You pushed and cried at the same time :( mommy felt so helpless. After a few days of prunes, your bowel movement is finally a little better. Eating solids suck huh?