Sunday, November 17, 2013

Catch up session

So since I haven't blogged for the past 6mo, I have to catch you up on everything that's happened!

Lets see -- first few weeks were so stressful. On top of the usual zombie schedule of you waking up every 2 hours to feed, you also had jaundice. We had to bring you to the hospital everyday for the first week to get blood drawn and it was SO painful for me to watch you get pricked every day. Why would they want to do that a few days old baby?? You cried so much every time. You didn't understand pain, that was your first time feeling it. :( You didn't actually get over our jaundice until past 3mo. Mommy had breastmilk jaundice, which prolonged the jaundice even longer. I had to feed you formula for a week straight so get your jaundice level down. We had to give you sun almost everyday. It worried mommy and daddy since we didn't understand why it wasn't going down. 

Oh and you've stopped taking the bottle. You're so picky! You were taking the bottle for a while, then only allowed Grandpa (Daddy's dad) to feed you, then all of a sudden, you completely refused it. I went to work for 7 hours one day and you starved yourself! You have a nice collection of 6 different bottles and nipples, all of which you reject. 

Speaking of work, I quit my job. I went back to work for 2 weeks and they came back to me and said I couldn't work from home while taking care of you. Originally they said I could. We had this program called ROWE which allowed us to work anywhere and anytime we wanted. I ROWE'd alot when you were still in my tummy. So they asked me to get a babysitter. Your Daddy's parents said they're too old to take fare of you and mommys parents live too far away. And Daddy has always wanted you to have the stay at home mom experience ... so there you have it. You have mommys attention 100% all day every day .. And I wouldn't want to have it any other way. I love all my time with you.

You love taking baths. You cried the very first time but none for the rest. Even when you have water dropping down your face, you're perfectly fine and even smile when you see me looking at you. Watch the videos. They're super cute :)

You've recently started to roll over, only to your right side though. That's your preference. You can also sit on your own now, when you lean forward. 

There are alot of things that make you smile, like when I sing to you, when I make sounds with my lips, looking at the mirror, when I make sounds on your stomach, when I kiss your neck and inner thigh, and best of all, when I just smile at you. 

You've also started to bite my chin. I think you're teething, but instead of hewing on the teething toys, you find joy rubbing youth gums against my chin haha. So cute. You do this while pulling on my hair. Not so fun haha. 

Till this day (6mo), you still need to be rocked to sleep. Probably our fault, but we can't stand letting you cry. You won't be little forever and before we know it, you won't want to be rocked and held, so I'll enjoy this a little bit more.

You love it when we read books to you. Even the longer ones, you'll sit through. Mommy and Daddy read to you everyday, avg about 5 books/day. We will continue this and hope you'll enjoy reading books when you're older.

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