Sunday, May 5, 2013

Daddy had an anxiety attack yesterday. He has had food allergies since January and something caused him to be overly anxious about food last night. It was my first time calling 911 and it was really scary. He was having a hard time breathing, hard time swallowing, was shaking and couldn't stop trembling. We ended up going to the hospital even though the ambulance deemed him as fine (he thought it was an allergic reaction, but it was an anxiety attack). He couldn't calm himself down and the thought of the paramedics leaving caused him more anxiety. I was really stressed out and also worried about you. I didn't feel you move until we got to the hospital. I was so relieved. We got home really late and normally, I talk and sing to you during "kick time", but I couldn't because daddy was sleeping, but you were such a good boy. You did 10 kicks without me saying anything <3 then mommy diarrhea'd a few times. Poor baby has to go through all this with me. You're going to be one strong boy.

Mommy loves you.

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