Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Blogger on iPhone!

I downloaded blogger on my iPhone, so I can blog easier!

I heard your heartbeat at the doctors yesterday! It was so amazing. It was like music to my ears. I didn't want her to stop with the doppler! I'm just so relieved that youre okay. I get in these phases where I'm like "are you still there? Are you okay?". Im praying that you will be a healthy baby.

I had another dream the other night that you were a boy! Again, I was at the doctors office and the doctor said "without a doubt, it's a boy!". I was like"are you suuuure?". And she said "we'll the cord is here and hands are here, so this has to be the ____" :)

Daddy was holding my tummy the other night and he thought he felt water moving, like a goldfish swimming. I read online that these may be early movements felt, although the doctor said you're too small for me to feel. I don't care, I'm still going to think its you :) what are you doing on there? Water aerobics? :)

Picture: you at 11 weeks. I'm 15 weeks now. Cant wait to see you in 18 weeks at the ultrasound appointment. Boy, girl - we shall soon find out! :)

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