Friday, January 4, 2013

With my cold and all the bacon I ate last week (I'm sorry I fed you so much bacon!), I can't help but be paranoid. I hope you withstood the cold and is OK with everything that I've been eating. Mommy loves you and is sorry. I promise to eat more fruits and veggies for you.

I'm finally starting to feel alot better. I'm still a little congested at night when I sleep and in the morning, but other than that, I'm feeling more like myself. I havent sang for a while but sang for the first time yesterday (and was able to hit the notes!). I hope you heard me :)

I keep reading online forums about how so many mommy's already feel their baby kicking and moving. But then I talked to a friend who's at the same week as me and she hasn't felt anything yet. I've been having more moments to myself lately, just holding the belly and trying to feel within me for your movements. I read for this month, you will begin feeling sensations and movements around you. It says eventually, when you start kicking and moving alot, I can tap my stomach and you'd respond by kicking or hitting in the same area. So super weird (and I hope its you!) -- after I had breakfast this morning (which was toast, apples and soy milk, yay healthy!), I was working in front of my desk and I started feeling something move in my stomach, and it felt almost ticklish but the best way I can describe it is a little fish swimming right underneath my stomach skin. And just to see what will happen, I tapped and started touching around the area and I felt the sensation again around the area. I did this a few more times and then it stopped. Maybe you got tired :) I really really hope that was you and I cannot wait to start feeling you move. Next appointment in this Monday and I'm dying to hear your heartbeat. I just want to make sure youre OK.

Oh and btw - I think we might be naming you Jorah. Still working on the middle name. I hope you like it!

Mama @ 20 weeks.

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