Monday, February 25, 2013

Mommy is staying home from work today. Had a headache when I woke up. I fell back asleep and had the weirdest dream. I dreamt I went to the office with a baby GIRL for her first shots appointment. The doctor was ready with the shot and the baby girl cried immediately after :( it was so heartbreaking. I then placed the baby in the carseat and remembered I saw how tiny she was in it. Then I walked to the garage and placed the carseat into the car and snapped her in. How interesting huh!

Hmmm I'm going to ask them to check your sex again this Wednesday at our next ultrasound appointment :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

It feels like I'm back at my first trimester. I get tired more easily, I get headaches sometimes, and I'm moody.

I started having this pain in my leg, I thinks it's sciatic nerve pain. Guess it's pretty common in pregnancy. It hurts the most in the morning when I first get out if bed. It hurts so much, I limped for a good 30 min. Then if hurts again every now and then throughout the day. Daddy says I need to walk more. He's probably right. We got a treadmill recently. I need to use it more.

My appetite had gotten more crazy too. I can eat SO MUCH, it's scary.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

New chaise for your room :) thank you Daddy for assembling it. It's all coming together. So excited for your arrival!

Daddy adjusting your crib :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy valentines day Jorah :)

You've been kicking so much lately. Making mommy so happy. I woke up again to your kicks last night, probably around 3am and couldn't go back to sleep. I must have played with you for at least half an hour. You've got some pretty strong kicks there. A couple times I laughed because they were so strong. I'm loving it. And I hope you get stronger, healthier and bigger every day. Mommy loves you.

Mommy at 26 weeks.

Look whose bed Daddy assembled! Thank you Daddy :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Grandma got Mila and Anya gifts for New Years and decided she wanted to give you gifts too! How sweet of her to include you even though you're not born yet! You are loved :)

Mommy played with you last night :) I read online that when a baby kicks, you can reply by gently pushing back, and that's what I did and you kept kicking in the same area :) I woke up at 3am last night to your kicks and couldn't help but to respond back. A few responds here and there and I was awake, but I didn't mind. It makes me so happy :) it's so funny. You do the same thing around 7-730, no later no earlier and you stop after a while. It's like you have an alarm clock inside there too! Mommy loves you. Keep kicking! :)

Sunday, February 10, 2013

I'm beginning to feel you more when I'm sitting down. I think it's because you're getting bigger and bigger! :) when daddy coughs in bed, I feel you kicking. You're probably like - "is dada ok??". Can't wait for you to be alot bigger!

By the way, daddy says "kick mommy" :P

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Who's that cutie in the ultrasound? :)

Picture taken at about 22 weeks

Going to take the glucose test this morning. Wish mommy luck!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I think I might have woken you up last night. Since you're so active at night, I've somewhat made a ritual to feel you movements before going to sleep, but maybe I made you too excited because you were moving all night long! Did you get any rest baby? I was woken up to all the cuteness going on in my stomach! I hope you got some rest. Mommy would feel really bad if I woke you up and you couldn't go back to sleep.

We have an appointment this afternoon at 3 to hear your heartbeat.

Mommy loves you <3

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

No matter how tired I am or how bad of a day I've had, as soon as I feel you move and kick, all the negativity from my day disappears. You make me so happy.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Have I already wrote about how happy I am when I feel you kick? :) it's just the most amazing feeling ever, and it's a moment shared only between you and I. It's so special to me.