Sunday, December 30, 2012

Mama's been sick since Christmas. No fun! I hope it doesn't affect you. I have a cold - runny nose, congestion, the works and it's making me feel so tired! Daddy hasn't been letting me out, so we've been home the last few days. Hoping to get better soon. I hope you're doing ok in there baby! Sorry ive been blowing my nose like crazy lately!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

YOU'RE A BOY!!!!! :) :)

YOU'RE A BOY!!! :)
It was you all along in my dream! You were probably like - "momma, im a boy! im a boy!". You were super cute at the ultrasound appointment yesterday. You weren't really cooperating, but then you got into another position (as if someone was about to change you) and the doctor went "here's leg 1, here's leg 2, and here's leg 3!" lol. Were you trying to show your goodies off? :)

Can't wait to meet you and I'm so happy to start shopping and decorating the room for you!
Now Mommy and Daddy got start working on your name :)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Last night I was sitting in bed, reading "what to expect when you're expecting" and while I was reading the section on movements, I felt something in my stomach move. After I told daddy it felt like a bubble bursting, I read in the book that sometimes it may feel like a bubble bursting! Was that you?? :) :)

Friday, December 14, 2012

It is crazy how often I have dreams about you! That just means I'm so excited to meet you!

I dreamt last night we brought you home and I was holding you tight and breast feeding you. Then daddy wanted to hold you and I thought you'd cry, but it appeared that daddy had a magic touch :) he ended up sleeping on the bed with you and I said that's a big no no! The dreamt felt so real, just holding you. Hope you're holding it down in there! :)

Oh and then I had a dream that I made Indian curry. Yum. Maybe that's what we'll eat tonight!

Momma at 17 weeks.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

My stomach feels so hard today. Today, i definitely feel pregnant. Tired, belly big and hard, no energy, and feeling like a whale. At work today, I even had to lay down for 15 min. Those help so much!

T-6 days until I find out if you're a boy or girl! I'm going to make sure daddy videotapes you this time :)

Monday, December 10, 2012

They say I'm supposed to start feeling your movements soon. I hope you kick or move your arms a little more so your mommy can feel you! Daddy holds my stomach every night and morning. It'll be a nice surprise for him if you move when he touches my tummy :)  A week and a half until I know your sex. Boy or girl - I will love you. I'm hoping you will be very healthy and strong.

Monday, December 3, 2012

I had a dream over the wkend that you were a 6mo old boy and I was feeding you ice cream. I gave you a little to suck on, them pulled it away. Then you made fists out of your hands and made a "uughh" noise like you wanted more! So cute :)

Btw - your mama is getting big!

I love you and can't wait to hold you.